Project Overview
This is a brand video I helped make for a small brewery in Rancho Cucamonga. I was part of a 5-6 person team that created a mini documentary depicting the drama behind rebranding a company.

This is the video we delivered to the client. I shot all the slo mo macro beauty shots of the beer pouring. I worked with Dane the intern and Matthew Encina the Director

The Brief was: "We need some beauty shots of the can and the beer pouring."
My Contributions
Dane and I began this project by selecting reference photos, commercial stuff on the internet. We chose 6-7 of the best ones and printed them out.

We pinned the references on the wall and started setting up the camera, the lights, the beers etc.
One by one we framed up each shot like the reference photo and tried to match it is as closely as we could

Lighting was tricky, we used all the lights we had available, and by defusing the light with vellum paper we were able to give the can and the beer, a soft mouth-watering look.

We shot with a Sony FS5 on a tripod, with a macro extension tube on a cannon 70 - 200mm lens. We shot slow motion and took turns pouring and shooting and getting the angles and the shadows just right. It was very enjoyable.

I learned how you can make the most of your shoot if you listen to everyone's ideas and make a real effort to see them work. I enjoy being part of a team.